Cuadernos de Herpetología <p><strong>Cuadernos <em>de</em> Herpetología</strong> es una revista multi-disciplinaria que lidera en Argentina la publicación de trabajos científicos relacionados con Anfibios y Reptiles, abarcando tópicos como: sistemática, taxonomía, anatomía, fisiología, embriología, evolución, ecología, genética, comportamiento, conservación, paleontología, etc. Comprende las siguientes secciones: Trabajos, Revisiones, Notas y Novedades Zoogeográficas. Los idiomas aceptados son castellano, portugués e inglés.</p> <p><strong>Cuadernos <em>de</em> Herpetología</strong> se publica dos veces al año, Mayo y Septiembre.</p> <p><strong>Cuadernos <em>de</em> Herpetología</strong> no cobra a los autores por su publicación. Está disponible en formato electrónico como revista de Acceso Abierto. Los artículos publicados en esta revista estaban bajo licencias Creative Commons Atribución - NoComercial 3.0 Unported en el año 2011 (Volumen 25), y bajo licencias Atribución - No Comercial 2.5 Argentina desde 2012 (Volumen 26) pero a partir del año 2022 (Volumen 36), los artículos están disponibles bajo una <a href="" rel="license">Licencia Creative Commons Atribución – No Comercial – Sin Obra Derivada 4.0 International</a>.</p> <p>Es una revista de la Asociación Civil Herpetológica Argentina. ISSN en línea 1852-5768.</p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="381" height="132" /> </p> <p> </p> Asociación Civil Herpetológica Argentina es-ES Cuadernos de Herpetología 0326-551X <h2>Atribución - No Comercial - Sin Obras Derivadas 4.0 Internacional</h2> <p>Usted es libre de:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Compartir </strong>— copiar y redistribuir el material en cualquier medio o formato</li> <li>La licenciante no puede revocar estas libertades en tanto usted siga los términos de la licencia</li> </ol> <h2 id="terms">Bajo los siguientes términos:</h2> <ol> <li class="cc-by"><strong>Atribución </strong>— Usted debe dar <a id="src-appropriate-credit" href="">crédito de manera adecuada </a>, brindar un enlace a la licencia, e <a id="src-indicate-changes" href="">indicar si se han realizado cambios </a>. Puede hacerlo en cualquier forma razonable, pero no de forma tal que sugiera que usted o su uso tienen el apoyo de la licenciante.</li> <li class="cc-nc"><strong>No Comercial </strong>— Usted no puede hacer uso del material con <a id="src-commercial-purposes" href="">propósitos comerciales </a>.</li> <li class="cc-nd"><strong>Sin Derivadas </strong>— Si <a id="src-some-kinds-of-mods" href="">remezcla, transforma o crea a partir </a>del material, no podrá distribuir el material modificado.</li> <li><strong>No hay restricciones adicionales </strong>— No puede aplicar términos legales ni <a id="src-technological-measures" href="">medidas tecnológicas </a>que restrinjan legalmente a otras a hacer cualquier uso permitido por la licencia.</li> </ol> Explorando el reconocimiento químico recíproco madre-cría en un lagarto Liolaemus vivíparo <p>To our knowledge, there are no studies of mother-offspring recognition in Liolaemus lizards, even though many species have a refined discrimination capacity based on chemical signals, and some of them are viviparous with a close relationship between mothers and offspring. We studied the reciprocal chemical mother-offspring recognition in the viviparous species Liolaemus<br>zullyae, evaluating whether both mothers and offspring can discriminate between their consanguineous relative from another who is not genetically related. Six females gave birth in the laboratory. Once the offspring were born, crossover experiments were carried out. The results suggest that mothers showed no clear evidence of discrimination of their own and other´s newborns. In contrast, newborns rubbed their faces for longer when scents were from other females than from their own mothers, suggesting that newborns may recognize their mothers. We discuss the asymmetric mother-offspring recognition detected in this study.</p> Vanesa Chocobar Antonieta Labra Soledad Valdecantos Derechos de autor 2024 Vanesa Chocobar, Antonieta Labra, Soledad Valdecantos 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 38 2 Are the males of Dendropsophus minutus (Peters, 1872) spider devourers? <p>In this study, we described the diet composition of males of the treefrog Dendropsophus minutus from the region of the Chapada das Mesas National Park, Maranhão, Northeastern Brazil. We collected 19 males, of which 17 had stomach contents. Of that, five prey categories were registered, with spiders being the most consumed prey item. We also observed that the snout-vent length of each male had a weak influence on prey selection. Notably, D. minutus consumed a substantial quantity of spiders. Nonetheless, further studies considering temporal variation, reproductive period, and prey availability, among others, are still needed to elucidate the role of spiders on the diet of D. minutus.</p> João Lucas Pereira Ferreira Kássio de Castro Araújo Etielle Barroso de Andrade Caio Vinícius Mira-Mendes Derechos de autor 2024 João Lucas Pereira Ferreira, Kássio de Castro Araújo, Etielle Barroso de Andrade, Caio Vinícius Mira-Mendes 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 38 2 Defensive behaviors in Pleurodema borellii (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from northwest Argentina <p>Anurans are common prey for several vertebrates and also invertebrates. In response to this predatory pressure, they exhibit various defensive behaviors. In this work we report liquid cloacal discharge, body inflation, stiff-legged posture and body vibration performed by Pleurodema borellii from San Miguel de Tucumán, northwest of Argentina. These multiple defensive behaviors performed together can hinder or disrupt the predator’s action more efficiently.</p> Henrique Folly Juan Carlos Stazzonelli Clodoaldo Lopes Assis Derechos de autor 2024 Henrique Folly, Juan Carlos Stazzonelli, Clodoaldo Lopes Assis 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 38 2 Observación del saco endolinfático en la lagartija Homonota borelli (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) en Argentina <p>Observation of the endolymphatic sac in the lizard Homonota borelli (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) in Argentina. Increased endolymphatic sac size in reptiles has received little attention in the literature. We present a note based on the observation of inflated endolymphatic sacs in two female specimens of Homonota borelli (Phyllodactylidae) from an urbanized site in Argentina. The macroscopic results indicated that the samples analyzed showed a surface with a soft and whitish dermis. Microscopically, a cystic cavity lined by simple epithelium with calcium crystals was observed. We conclude that the endolymphatic sacs presented accumulation of calcium crystals which play a role during the reproductive period in reptiles. This finding represents the first record of a macro- and microscopic analysis of inflated endolymphatic sacs in the bush lizard H. borelli in Argentina.</p> Gabriel Natalio Castillo Cynthia Jesica González-Rivas Derechos de autor 2024 Gabriel Natalio Castillo, Cynthia Jesica González-Rivas 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 38 2 Color pattern polymorphism and chromatic aberrancies in Physalaemus fernandezae (Anura, Leptodactylidae) <p>Skin coloration patterns in anurans could be markedly varied due to color pattern polymorphism and the occurrence of chromatic aberrancies. Knowledge about this variability allows to understand prey-predator relationships, contributes to the characterization of taxonomic groups, and may reflects genetic variability. We report herein a characterization of dorsal and ventral color pattern polymorphisms in the Neotropical frog Physalaemus fernandezae, and the finding of chromatic aberrancies in wild tadpoles. We assessed the sexual variation of four dorsal color morphs (Broadband, Reticulate, Vertebral Line, Uniform with Urostylar Line) and two ventral color morphs (Immaculate and Maculate). We found no association about the co-occurrence of different ventral and dorsal color patterns, also regardless sex, suggesting independent evolution forces influencing on them. In addition, we found geographic color pattern variation. A color aberrancy considered as leucism was observed in tadpoles, and is reported for the first time in P. fernandezae. We suggest that the patterns frequency distributions are suggestive of an apostatic selection mechanism for the color polymorphism in P. fernandezae.</p> Rodrigo Cajade Guillermo Sebastián Natale Diego Andrés Barrasso Derechos de autor 2024 Rodrigo Cajade, Guillermo Sebastián Natale, Diego Andrés Barrasso 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 38 2 Reptiles of Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil <p>The Atlantic Forest is a biodiversity hotspot and one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world. Still, its reptile fauna is poorly known, especially in its southern portion. We present here for the first time a compiled list of land and freshwater reptiles of the Island of Santa Catarina, the largest continental island off the Brazilian coast. The list was based on field observation, literature, and preserved material from herpetological collections. We recorded 36 autochthonous reptile species, including one crocodylian, one turtle, two amphisbaenians, nine lizards, and 23 snakes. We also recorded introduced populations of two exotic emydid turtles. Species composition is strongly influenced by the presence of Atlantic Forest species, but there are also some non-forest species associated with the fauna of southern South America.</p> Ivo Rohling Ghizoni Jr Tobias Saraiva Kunz Derechos de autor 2024 Ivo Rohling Ghizoni Jr, Tobias Saraiva Kunz 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 38 2 Desde los últimos confines: nueva especie de lagartija Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolaemidae) de la estepa patagónica de Santa Cruz, Argentina <p>A new species of lizard of the genus Liolaemus is described. It inhabits the Patagonian steppe at the eastern of Santa Cruz Province, Argentine. Characters of external morphology, morphometry, coloration pattern and pholidosis were used for its description. In addition, phylogenetic proposals based on morphological and molecular evidence that distinguishes the proposed species from other closely related species are presented. This new lizard belongs to the L. boulengeri group, L. melanops clade, L. telsen subclade. It is a small species in relation to other species of the same genus, and its coloration pattern is distinctive within the L. telsen subclade. This combination of characters supports the candidate species as a unique species within the genus. The taxon described in this study was previously classified within the range of Liolaemus boulengeri. However, the molecular and morphological evidence presented in this study, added to those from works clearly indicates the validity as a new species of Liolaemus.</p> Agustina San Millán Cristian Simón Abdala Derechos de autor 2024 Agustina San Millán, Cristian Simón Abdala 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 38 2 Nuevo registro de la tortuga acuática Hydromedusa tectifera (Cope, 1869; Testudines: Chelidae) para la Pampa Deprimida (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Mauro Iván Bonavita Candela Victorel Alexis Mauro Aranciaga Rolando Oscar Aníbal Stellatelli Derechos de autor 2024 Mauro Iván Bonavita, Candela Victorel, Alexis Mauro Aranciaga Rolando, Oscar Aníbal Stellatelli 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 38 2 New distribution record and habitat of the Mesoamerican Drunken Toad, Rhinophrynus dorsalis Duméril and Bibron, 1841, in Honduras Anthonie Andino-Mazariegos Ninfa Mejía José Rene Serrano Julio E. Mérida Gustavo A. Cruz Derechos de autor 2024 Anthonie Andino-Mazariegos, Ninfa Mejía, José Rene Serrano, Julio E. Mérida, Gustavo A. Cruz 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 38 2