Herpeto-commerce: A look at the illegal online trade of amphibians and reptiles in Brazil
Palabras clave:
Herpetofauna, E-commerce, Animal Trafficking, Pet-trade, Facebook®Resumen
The illegal sale of fauna and flora represents the third-largest illegal trade in the world. Social media has contributed considerably to the increase in this type of trade. We searched for posts announcing the sale of amphibians and reptiles in seven Facebook® groups (three public and four private groups) from 01 January 2019 to 31 July 2020. In total, we found 548 posts made by a total of 201 social network profiles announcing the sale of 1,049 animals. We found 58 herpetofauna species being traded in the network (15 amphibian and 43 reptile species). Most of the sale advertisements originated in Southeast Brazil, predominantly from the state of São Paulo. The most traded species were Pantherophis guttatus (N= 467), Eublepharis macularius (N= 152), and Boa constrictor (N=90). This study presents important data about the illegal herpetofauna trade through Facebook® in Brazil, proving this market is currently fully active. This trade has high growth potential, bringing possible risks to biodiversity and public health. In conclusion, we recommend the implementation of urgent, specific government measures for its regulation and effective inspection.
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