Lipidic cycle, condition factor and reproductive cell maturation in Gymnodactylus darwinii Gray, 1845 (Squamata, Phyllodactylidae) from a fragment of Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil


  • Leonardo P. C. Oitaven
  • Márcio F. Chaves
  • José L. de Araújo
  • Felipe S. Ribeiro
  • Geraldo J.B. de Moura

Palabras clave:

Gender Environmental Changes, Gametogenesis, Gonadal Histology, Lipid Storage, Lizards


 In this study, we describe a variation in fat bodies (liposomatic relationship), condition factor (the welfare degree of a population against the environment, K1), and male and female repro­ductive cells of the gecko Gymnodactylus darwinii (Gray, 1845) collected in two contiguous protected areas (Tapacurá and Mata do Camucim forests) in the municipality of São Lourenço da Mata, Pernambuco state, Brazil. We assessed seasonal variation and the influence of biotic (body temperature and K1 condition factor) and abiotic (air temperature and precipitation) factors on the lipidic cycle and reproductive cells’ maturation. As typical in geckos, fat bodies in G. darwinii decreased markedly during the high temperature and low precipitation periods. A slight variation in K1 suggests similar levels of energetic investment in growth and sexual maturation. Different reproductive cells matured similarly in sexually mature individuals, in­dicating a continuous, synchronised maturation cycle. Nonetheless, while fat bodies decreased and the number of mature reproductive cells increased in dry months, the opposite pattern was observed in rainy months. Our results indicate that G. darwinii does not show reproductive seasonality but instead peaks of reproductive activity (reproductive cell maturation, mating, lay eggs) synchronised in females and males, regulated by body temperature and climatic variables, including air temperature and precipitation.


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Cómo citar

Oitaven, L. P. C. ., Chaves, M. F., de Araújo, J. L. ., Ribeiro, F. S. ., & de Moura, G. J. . (2022). Lipidic cycle, condition factor and reproductive cell maturation in Gymnodactylus darwinii Gray, 1845 (Squamata, Phyllodactylidae) from a fragment of Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil. Cuadernos De Herpetología, 36(1). Recuperado a partir de