Predation events involving herpetofauna in the Caatinga region, Brazil


  • Darlison Chagas-de-Souza
  • Ivan Alves dos Santos-Jr.
  • Gustavo Henrique dos Anjos Rodrigues
  • Lucas José Clemente Figueira
  • Bruna Thaís da Cruz Santos
  • Rafael Ávila Grisostenes
  • Tássio Alves Coêlho

Palabras clave:

Snakes, Amphibians, Predators invertebrates, Caatinga biome


We document for the first time three predation events notoriously hard to come by in the Caatinga biome in Brazil: Philodryas nattereri by preying on a specimen of Leptodactylus sp.; the predation of Tropidurus hispidus by the spider Iridopelma katiae; and the predation of Gymnodactylus geckoides by T. hispidus. Although these are basic records, the descriptions of the predation  vents contribute to the knowledge of the diet of different species of herpetofauna in a Brazilian biome that is threatened by accelerated deforestation.


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Cómo citar

Chagas-de-Souza, D., Alves dos Santos-Jr., I., dos Anjos Rodrigues, G. H., Clemente Figueira, L. J., da Cruz Santos, B. T., Ávila Grisostenes, R., & Alves Coêlho, T. (2024). Predation events involving herpetofauna in the Caatinga region, Brazil. Cuadernos De Herpetología, 38(1). Recuperado a partir de