Are the males of Dendropsophus minutus (Peters, 1872) spider devourers?
Palabras clave:
Anuran, Amphibian, Diet, Feeding Habits, Trophic EcologyResumen
In this study, we described the diet composition of males of the treefrog Dendropsophus minutus from the region of the Chapada das Mesas National Park, Maranhão, Northeastern Brazil. We collected 19 males, of which 17 had stomach contents. Of that, five prey categories were registered, with spiders being the most consumed prey item. We also observed that the snout-vent length of each male had a weak influence on prey selection. Notably, D. minutus consumed a substantial quantity of spiders. Nonetheless, further studies considering temporal variation, reproductive period, and prey availability, among others, are still needed to elucidate the role of spiders on the diet of D. minutus.
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Derechos de autor 2024 João Lucas Pereira Ferreira, Kássio de Castro Araújo, Etielle Barroso de Andrade, Caio Vinícius Mira-Mendes

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