Tail-break frequency inferences on Lygodactylus klugei (Smith, Martin & Swain, 1977) (Squamata: Gekkonidae) in northeastern Brazil


  • Antônio Rafael Lima Ramos
  • John Allyson Andrade Oliveira
  • Margarida Maria Xavier da Silva
  • Robson Victor Tavares
  • Diva Maria Borges-Nojosa

Palabras clave:

Antipredator behavior, Caatinga, Lizards, Predation, Tail autotomy


We investigated the sexual, interpopulational, and microhabitat use effects on the autotomy
frequencies in the Kluge’s Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus klugei in 12 populations inserted in the
Caatinga ecoregion, in northeast Brazil. We observed the frequency of autotomized tails in each
population by analyzing sexual differences and the characteristics of the trees used, such as the
number of branches, presence of thorns, and trunk texture (smooth or rough). The autotomy
frequencies ranged from 28.5% to 75% among these populations. We did not find differences
in population, sex or on the presence of thorns and number of branches available in the trees
used on autotomy rates. On the other hand, lizards found on smooth trunks had a higher rate
of autotomized tails compared to those found on rough trunks. We suggest that the presence
of crevices in trees with rough trunks is an important factor responsible for protecting lizards
against predator attacks.


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Cómo citar

Lima Ramos, A. R. ., Andrade Oliveira, J. A. ., Xavier da Silva, M. M. ., Tavares, R. V., & Borges-Nojosa, D. M. . (2022). Tail-break frequency inferences on Lygodactylus klugei (Smith, Martin & Swain, 1977) (Squamata: Gekkonidae) in northeastern Brazil. Cuadernos De Herpetología, 36(1). Recuperado a partir de https://cuadernosdeherpetologia.com/index.php/CdH/article/view/9