Anuran detectability and calling phenology in urban ponds from the Brazilian Savanna


  • Natália Paludo Smaniotto
  • Leonardo Felipe Bairos Moreira

Palabras clave:

Temporary Wetlands, Cerrado, Amphibians, Water availability, Reproductive modes


Over the last century, urban development has steadily resulted in wetland destruction, stream flow disturbance, and land clearing. Small intermittent wetlands are easily overlooked in large cities, and the secretive nature of amphibian species in these habitats can hinder see the big picture about the persistence of populations in urban habitats. Here, we determined anuran detectability associated with site-specific and survey-specific variables. We also identified the reproductive modes and described the calling activity along a four-year period in urban ponds of the Brazilian Cerrado ecoregion. We recorded 16 anuran species, but only nine were detected at levels suitable for modeling. Seven reproductive modes were observed in the assemblages, and although breeding choruses were more common in the rainy season, calling activity was also recorded in the dry season for 11 species. Anuran detectability was related to pond water depth, rainfall for the previous 24h, and day-of-year. Our results showed interplay between species-specific traits and water availability. We highlight that urban ponds can harbor
a considerable proportion of anuran diversity; however, urbanization seems to constraint even generalist species recorded for the Cerrado ecoregion.


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Cómo citar

Paludo Smaniotto, N., & Bairos Moreira, L. F. (2023). Anuran detectability and calling phenology in urban ponds from the Brazilian Savanna. Cuadernos De Herpetología, 37(1). Recuperado a partir de