Análisis morfológico de un caso de polimelia en Rhinella dorbignyi (Anura: Bufonidae)


  • Federico L. Oser
  • Jesica A. Sansiñena
  • Leandro Alcalde
  • Guillermo S. Natale


Garden Toad, Ectopic Limbs, Abnormalities


Morphological analysis of a polymelia case in Rhinella dorbignyi (Anura: Bufonidae). This note describes the morphology of a supernumerary left hind limb in an adult female of Rhinella dorbignyi found in Atalaya (Magdalena, Buenos Aires). The case was studied through radiographs of the specimen in life, and once dead, the morphological approach included dissection
to observe the appendicular muscles and diaphanization with double staining to observe the skeleton. The notable features of the supernumerary limb are: (1) absence of finger I, (2) shorter length of all portions of the limb and less robustness than in a normal hind limb, (3) anomalous junction with the pelvic girdle by means of a well marked femoral head with limb-type features associated to bipedal gait, (4) femur without muscles, and (5) tibia and fibula completely fused in midline. In short, the supernumerary limb is a reduced duplication of the left hind limb.


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How to Cite

Oser, F. L. ., Sansiñena, J. A. ., Alcalde, L. ., & Natale, G. S. . (2023). Análisis morfológico de un caso de polimelia en Rhinella dorbignyi (Anura: Bufonidae). Cuadernos De Herpetología, 37(2). Retrieved from