Herpetofauna of an urban environmental protection area in an Amazon forest remnant of Amapá state, northern Brazil


  • Rodrigo Tavares-Pinheiro
  • Vinícius A. M. B. de Figueiredo
  • Fernanda S. Melo
  • Aline E. Oliveira- Souza
  • Abdiel Pinheiro-Freitas
  • Carlos E. Costa-Campos

Palabras clave:

Amphibians, Herpetological surveys, Reptiles.


 The herpetofauna of Amazonia biome is one of the richest in the world. However, there is a lack of information on its richness and distribution. Here we provide a list of the herpetofauna from the Environmental Protection Area of Lagoa dos Índios, state of Amapá, Brazil, in the northern Amazon Forest. Sampling effort was conducted by active search in three distinct transects from January to May 2018 (rainy season) and August to December 2019 (drought season). We recorded 46 species composing the local herpetofauna, being 18 amphibians and 28 reptiles. Scinax ruber, Gonatodes humeralis and Helicops angulatus were the most abundant species. Regarding the conservation status, two species are categorized as Date Data deficient, (Lysapsus bolivianus and Eunectes deschauenseei), and one as Vulnerable (Podocnemis unifilis) in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Podocnemis unifilis is also considered Near Threatened in the Brazilian Red List of Endangered Species. Our results suggest that local biodiversity is still underestimated and, if expanded, could increase the spe­cies richness in the area. This study represents preliminary trends and raise further questions concerning the herpetofauna assemblage of Eastern Brazilian Amazonia.


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Cómo citar

Tavares-Pinheiro, R. ., de Figueiredo, V. A. M. B. ., Melo, F. S. ., Oliveira- Souza, A. E. ., Pinheiro-Freitas, A. ., & Costa-Campos, C. E. . (2022). Herpetofauna of an urban environmental protection area in an Amazon forest remnant of Amapá state, northern Brazil. Cuadernos De Herpetología, 36(1). Recuperado a partir de https://cuadernosdeherpetologia.com/index.php/CdH/article/view/4