Reproductive strategies of the semifossorial snake Atractus zebrinus from the Atlantic Forest


  • Lucas Henrique Carvalho Siqueira
  • Jade Lima-Santos
  • Karina Maria Pereira Silva

Palabras clave:

Female sperm storage, Reproductive cycle, Secretive snakes, Sexual dimorphism, Spermiogenesis


 Secretive snakes (e.g., fossorial or semifossorial) show morphological adaptations that may constrain potential reproductive output. However, females can store sperm in the reproductive tract, increasing their reproductive potential. Thus, studies on the reproduction of fossorial and semifossorial species are of great interest for a complete understanding of snake reproductive strategies. Here, we investigate the reproductive strategies of the semifossorial snake Atractus zebrinus through macroscopic and histological analyzes of the male and female reproductive tracts. Females were larger and had more ventral scales than males, the most common pattern in snakes, and apparently conserved in the genera. The female reproductive cycle was seasonal, with gravid females occurring in spring and summer. Rainfall seems to be the major factor driving female reproductive seasonality, and sperm storage in the infundibular receptacles may ensure fertilization and multiple paternity. The male reproductive cycle was aseasonal. Spermiation, hypertrophy of the sexual segment of the kidney, and sperm storage in the ductus deferentia occurred over several months. This aseasonal reproduction in males may enhance paternity by increasing the species mating chances.


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Cómo citar

Carvalho Siqueira, L. H. ., Lima-Santos, J. ., & Pereira Silva, K. M. . (2022). Reproductive strategies of the semifossorial snake Atractus zebrinus from the Atlantic Forest. Cuadernos De Herpetología, 36(1). Recuperado a partir de