Estudios sobre anuros de Argentina durante la década 2010- 2020: tendencias y vacíos de información
Literature review, Geographic bias, Taxonomic bias, Research topics biasAbstract
Scientific knowledge may present taxonomic, geographic and thematic biases, which could have negative consequences on conservation decisions, especially in highly threatened groups such as amphibians. This work aimed to explore the scientific production of anurans from Argentina during the 2010-2020 decade, to understand the current state of knowledge and identify possible biases and information gaps. Our results showed that the production of scientific knowledge on anurans from Argentina remained constant during the studied period. Nonetheless, we observed taxonomic, geographic and topic biases. The number of studies was higher in areas with higher human population density and on topics related to Morphology, as well as for common species with medium body sizes, general habits, with a broad geographic distribution, and occurring in rural-urban areas. Our results represent a baseline to clarify and evidence the different biases of scientific knowledge about anurans from Argentina.
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